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A qualitative exploration of ageing well with a Lifelong Disability in Black British Older Adults and their Carers

This study aims to understand what it is like being Black and getting older with Down’s syndrome.

Researchers would like to learn more about this by having interviews with people with Down’s syndrome. To take part in the interview, you should be:

  • 30 years old and older
  • Black ( African, Caribbean or Mixed)

We would also like to interview carers of Black people with Down’s syndrome. Carers should be taking care of a person who is 40 years and older.

Interviews can be done on Microsoft Teams, over the telephone or in person. It is entirely up to what makes you (the participant) comfortable. Interviews will take about 60 mins and you can take as many breaks as you need. The interview will have questions on getting older, Downs syndrome and your background.

You will given a £30 voucher to say thank you for your help with the study.

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To get involved

Contact Emily – you’ll find her contact details below

About the research team

Emily Oputa (, 07546 340091)

I am Emily. I am studying Psychology at the University of Surrey. Before that I worked in hospitals in Zambia as an Assistant Psychologist helping different people achieve their goals. Now I do research at the University. I am interested in understanding what it is like being Black and getting older with Down’s Syndrome.

  • Dr Kimberley Smith- Senior Lecturer Clinical Health Psychology University of Surrey
  • Dr Hannah Frifth- Associate Professor Psychology University of Surrey
  • Dr Maria Adams- Associate Professor Criminology University of Surrey
  • Professor Emily William- Professor of Inclusion and Diversity Kings College London