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A Day Trip and Connecting With Colleagues | Kate’s Blog

Last week I went with a group of friends who were part of the the old Wandsworth special Olympic Swimming Team on a day trip to Brighton.

We went by train, and it took just over 1 hour. it was good to see and smell the sea again. We did all the seaside things. we strolled along the Prominade, had fish and chips for lunch and visited the funfair on the pier. we also enjoyed an ice cream. It was a fun day. We should do it more often.

On Saturday I enjoyed Dr Who on TV. I have been looking forward to it for some time.

This Monday was a very special day. I went to the Langdon Centre to join a gathering of DSA staff from all over the United Kingdom. It was great meeting old colleagues and meeting new ones. The chief executive addressed the meeting, talking about all the past years activities. In the evening, we had a tasty buffet and were entertained by a live band! Soon everyone was up dancing. It was a very enjoyable day.

Stay safe everybody, Kate.