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Interview with Author Angela Bettoni

We recently did an interview with author Angela Bettoni.
She is also a performer and advocate who has Down’s syndrome.
Here, she tells us all about her latest book, Cameron’s Choice, and more about her process as an author.


Angela at her book launch


Perhaps you could tell us a bit about yourself, your family and your experiences of being an advocate.
I am Angela and I am a 22-year-old performer, writer and advocate with Down Syndrome. I am half Sri Lankan and half Italian.  Since 2019 I have been advocating for mixed-ability performances in Malta. What I love about my advocacy is that not only am I pushing for representation for people with learning disabilities in Malta but I also get my own exposure and training in mixed ability performances  locally and abroad.  These experiences have taught me very important life lessons as well as given me the necessary skills for my growth through each experience which I can implement into my own work as an advocate, performer and in my own life.

Interview with Angel Bettoni

Tell us about your new book.
This is my 5th published book and it is called ‘Cameron’s Choice’. It’s about a 12-year-old boy who wants to change to be like his older brother in becoming a ‘cool guy’. While doing so he has to make difficult choices in losing the people he cares the most.

Where did you get your ideas from?
I was inspired to write this book through my own experiences when I was at sixth form at a community college where I met students who came from different backgrounds. Inspiration also came through books and movies such as the book and movie of ‘The Outsiders’ by S. E. Hinton and the ‘Diary of a Wimpy Kid ’ movies.

How do you like to write, do you have a special routine?
As I write for relaxation, I like to write on a big notebook with a special pen which I reserve for when I am writing my stories only. The way I like to write usually is to sit down, listen to relaxing music on my headphones and put pen to paper as that helps me to calm down. As throughout the years I was busy with my homework, my O’ levels, my assignments and working on my dissertation for my degree in Creative arts that I am just finishing. The only times when I can get to tune down and to relax are either before lunch or before dinner as those are the only the times of the day when I can close myself away from the world and devote myself to my writing.

Who is your favourite author?
I have many favourite authors so it’s very hard for me to choose! But if I were to choose only one I would say Angie Thomas who wrote The Hate U Give.

Do you have any advice for other young writers?

Angela with her latest book Cameron’s Choice

Make sure to write from your heart. You are not writing for somebody else, you are writing for yourself. It might end up for somebody else to read but it is not about the end product, it is about the process of getting there. Let the process guide you. It is also important to surround yourself with a good support system. Your mental health is important, so do what is important for you and you’re writing. If you want to publish your book then make sure to look for a good team who believes in your characters and lives in the world that you have created in the same way that you do.

What do you like to do when you are not writing?
Performing and being on stage especially in mixed-ability performances. Attending theatre and dance workshops, watching performances of any kind especially musicals, theatre and contemporary dance. My passion is to immerse myself in arts and culture in Malta and abroad.  I create and collaborate with other local and international artists on my own mixed- ability works which could be either physical theatre or inclusive dance surrounding my own experiences as a young woman with Down Syndrome. I give talks at schools and sometimes even at the University of Malta.

It’s been a busy time for me as I have just submitted my BA dissertation. It was on “Representation for people with learning disabilities in the performing arts in Malta”. After my viva and results I will be happy to share it with the DSA!





You can read more about Angela’s work here.