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New parent stories

The Down’s Syndrome Association wants to share the joys and the realities of caring for a new baby, and what better way than by sharing your real life stories. We invite mums and dads to write in and tell us all about their new babies as we love to hear about how they are getting on. We can also use your stories to help inform our Tell It Right® campaign for maternity and medical professionals.

You can hear lots more from adults, teenagers and children on our Our Stories page or our YouTube channel.

We want to hear your story too! Find out how to submit your words, pictures or a video here.

Meet Mel and Johnny

Meet Lucy and Chester

Meet Nate and his family

Meet Enki, Emily and Matt

Meet Elouise and Lucy

Our Helpline

We answer questions about Down’s syndrome.

We offer a listening ear.

We provide information and support.

Call us on 0333 1212 300

Monday to Friday, 10am – 4pm.

Or contact us using the form below…

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