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Young Coraline was featured in the December 2019, Christmas issue of Prima magazine. We got to chat with her mum Liz, to talk about the photo shoot, baby classes, holidays, and much more. How old is Coraline? Two years and three months old Tell us a little bit about...


How old are you? 23 How would you describe yourself? Fun. Good company. Someone who likes to try new things. Independent. When did you get our first scooter? When I was four years old. What do you like most about riding your scooter? I like doing tricks, like a 360. I...


My name is Emily and I work for DEFRA in Yorkshire as part of the facilities team. I am part of the WorkFit programme and I started a six week trial in April. After my trial period I have been given a one year fixed contract which I started in May. I work for four...


My name is Anna. I really enjoy reading the Down 2 Earth magazine. I have too many activities, hobbies and interests. If I were to write them out it will be never ending!! So I have decided to give you a little bit of insight into my busy life. One of the many...


My name is Hannah. I am 45 and I live in North Wales with my mum and dad. I have two brothers and three nieces. I have worked and earned my own money since I was 19 years old. I worked for 14 years in a primary school for 5 days a week. Then I worked in a B&B...