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Written by Alan’s niece. Alan was born in Croydon on 16 June 1965 to parents Neville and Phoebe King. Alan joined siblings, Janet, Geoffrey and Barry. Alan was a very energetic adventurous child, always running off and exploring. One day Alan couldn’t be found...


Written by his father. In one respect we were fortunate, our son Kent, who has Down’s syndrome, was born in 1970, the same year as Rex Brinkworth founded the Down’s Syndrome Association. From the start, we were able to benefit from his research and understanding. To...


Written by his mother Grace. My son Christopher turned 50 in February 2020. He was born in Calgary Alberta in Canada, and the doctor said that he had a blocked large intestine and was in need of an experimental operation within 24 hours, and if he recovered from it...


Written by Stephen’s sister, Clare. My mam, Elisabeth Kilner, and dad, David Kilner, weren’t aware they were having a baby with Down’s syndrome, so as you can imagine, it came as quite a bit of a shock, but they adapted and got on with life. I was born a year and four...


Alan Hicks turned 50 last year. He lives with his mum and looks after her, as well as being a regular at Leep1 (where he met his girlfriend Colleen) and being a Steward for the People’s Parliament. He loves the theatre and dreams of being a professional actor have...