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Covid 19 Enquiry | Every Story Matters

Covid 19 Enquiry | Every Story Matters

We know, through our helpline and advocacy work, just how significantly people who have Down’s syndrome and their families were affected by the COVID19 pandemic. Concerns about shielding, access to vaccines and antivirals, community services being halted, strict...
The Healthy Way | Vinay’s Blog

The Healthy Way | Vinay’s Blog

My blog is about the gym. In the gym I do a 1-hour session. I also do my stretches. It benefits me and helps me to keep healthy. I like to go on the treadmill every time I go to the gym. I am proud of what I achieve at the gym. Its also good to think about being...
Dancing and Disco | Kate’s Blog

Dancing and Disco | Kate’s Blog

On Thursday, my dance group called Larondina, went on their yearly visit to Caldy Abbey which is on Caldy island near Temby which is in Wales. We went by coach from Victoria coach station and arrived in Temby. We stayed at our favorite hotel. We had an evening meal...
Skin Safe | Vinay’s Blog

Skin Safe | Vinay’s Blog

I have been making sure my skin is healthy. When I am outside and feel the heat, I make sure I put on suncream. It’s very simple, I spray it on before it go out. It is important to stay safe in the hot weather, so I do not get burnt by the sun. Stay safe. Vinay....
Growing our Own | Kate’s Blog

Growing our Own | Kate’s Blog

Another week of glorious sunshine. The garden is looking wonderful, and all the roses are in full bloom. We have been affected by some of the food prices. So, we have turned some of the garden into a vegetable patch. We have grown runner beans, tomatoes, courgettes...