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Summertime Smiles | Vinay’s Blog

Summertime Smiles | Vinay’s Blog

I have been enjoying the lovely sunshine. I have been cleaning and sorting things out. I like walking around the park in the sunshine. It has been so nice. I sit on the grass and feel the sun on my face. When I am at home I am practicing new summer recipes. I have...
Competition Time | Vinay’s Blog

Competition Time | Vinay’s Blog

I am looking forward to joining My Perspective this year. I have chosen 10 photos. I have submitted a mixture of nature photos. For example, the grass growing and the sunshine. I like feeling the heat on my skin as I am outside taking photos. The yellow flowers grow...
My Wonderful Garden | Vinay’s Blog

My Wonderful Garden | Vinay’s Blog

The green grass grows quickly. there is plenty of lovely yellow flowers. Every time they cut the grass it grows back, and different flowers grow back. I like watering the garden. I love seeing the butterflies and insects. I like to pick lots. I sometimes sit in the...
Helping Themselves | Kate’s Blog

Helping Themselves | Kate’s Blog

It has been a disastrous week in the garden. Dad’s pride and joy, his dahlias, which he had planted a few days earlier, had been eaten and destroyed by slugs. This happened to some runner bean plants that he planted at the same time. He was not very happy!...