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Carol Boys awarded OBE on King’s Birthday Honours List

15 June 2024

The Down’s Syndrome Association (DSA) is thrilled with today’s announcement on His Majesty the King’s Birthday Honours List that Carol Boys, Chief Executive, will be made an Officer of the Order of the British Empire (OBE) in recognition of services for special educational needs and disability and to research.

Carol has improved life opportunities for people who have Down’s syndrome and the outlook for their families through dedicated service over 36 years. She has worked to transform quality of life for people with Down’s syndrome:

  • by fighting discrimination across health, education, social care and in communities through visionary campaigning and advocacy;
  • by supporting research, and
  • by leading innovative services and projects at the time they were needed to create change.

Throughout, she has also ensured that the DSA helpline, information and training services supported people who have Down’s syndrome, their families and professionals every day of the week.

Acknowledging Carol’s achievements, Dr John Gerard Coghlan, DSA Chair of Trustees, said: ‘Carol’s mission has been to ensure that every person who has Down’s syndrome can access the opportunities available to all citizens. In pursuing this she has built the Down’s Syndrome Association into ‘the’ source of information on Down’s syndrome for people who have Down’s syndrome, their families, the professionals who work with them, their employers and government. She has established the UK as a leader in the world as to how to deliver equal rights for people with Down’s syndrome.’

Carol said: ‘I’m absolutely delighted to receive this award; it’s wonderful to be recognised in this way. I couldn’t have achieved what I have over the years without the support of the DSA’s brilliant staff, trustees and volunteers.’

Carol has brought about enormous changes in attitude and life opportunities for individuals who have Down’s syndrome.

The Down’s Syndrome Association is incredibly proud of her achievements and celebrates this well-deserved honour.