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DSActive Coach Education workshop at National Tennis Centre

One of the newest adventures for the DSActive team is offering our DSActive Coach Education Workshop to clubs who want to learn how to support people with Down’s syndrome in their sessions. The DSActive team have been working with the Lawn Tennis Association (LTA) to offer this workshop as a CPD course for tennis clubs who want to increase their disability provision. The latest course was run at the National Tennis Centre in Roehampton with 20 coaches attending.

The workshop comprises of a 2 hour workshop in a classroom, where the coaches learn about Down’s syndrome, the additional health conditions associated with Down’s syndrome, terminology, learning profile, behaviour and finally how to run an effective session. The final hour gets the coaches out of their seats and onto court, where the DSActive team run a series of drills and show how to adapt them for a person with Down’s syndrome.

Alex from the DSActive team said:

‘It was a really fun session to lead. The coaches were all really engaged, they all had a real passion for tennis and all willing to learn. It’s also a chance for me to learn from them, to hear about their experiences and here some of the challenges they might have faced. This allows us to keep editing and changing the course to keep it relevant and useful.’

All clubs who have received this workshop will now be listed on our brand new ‘Activities Near You’ section on our website. Click here to find a club near you.

For more information on the workshop please email