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Study assessing if antibody levels predict risk of COVID-19 infection in people who are more vulnerable to COVID-19

Would your loved one who has Down’s syndrome (aged over 18) be willing to help researchers understand whether antibody levels predict risk of COVID-19 infection in people who are more vulnerable to COVID-19?

STRAVINSKY is a study, funded by the National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR), which aims to build an understanding of who is most clinically vulnerable to COVID-19 infection. Using this information, STRAVINSKY will be able to assess the effectiveness of COVID-19 booster vaccine programmes and new treatment strategies for these patients, as well as respond if significant new COVID variants are detected.

The researchers wish to recruit participants who either have conditions or take medication that may affect the functioning of their immune system. This includes people who have Down’s syndrome (aged over 18).

Sites where the STRAVINSKY project is running include Birmingham, London, Oxford and Southampton. There may also be the possibility of taking part remotely, via samples being taken at home, yourself.

The study will involve collecting a blood sample, a saliva test and a nasal swab, so it might not suit everyone, but researchers will discuss these in more detail and answer any queries.

For more information, visit the STRAVINSKY study website to read out more about what is involved in taking part in the study.

If you would like to register your interest in taking part in STRAVINSKY or you if have any further questions, please email