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Technologies that matter: care, technology and living a good life

Think Local Act Personal (TLAP) are working with the Centre for Care to explore how technologies (anything from phones to wheelchairs) can support people with experience of care or support to live a good life.

The research will look at:

  • What technologies are being used by people receiving social care to live their best lives?
  • How do people ‘blend together’ or ‘change’ technologies to help them produce outcomes that matter to them?
  • Do technologies bring new opportunities, barriers, benefits and risks, and who benefits? Who is left out? Could some people be at risk?
  • How do technologies affect things like family relationships, paid care, and employment?

Being part of the research will involve talking (online or face to face) to us about your life, your experiences with care, and your views on technology – around three times over nine months.

Participants will also be asked if they would like to fill in a diary about their technology use (for one day, or for longer if they would like).

If possible, we would also like to interview people like close family or friends, neighbours, or health and social care staff.

For more information or to get involved:

The research team

Dr Grace Whitfield (

Dr Grace Whitfield has been working in the Centre for Care since April 2022 as a Research Associate. Alongside the ‘Technologies that matter’ project, Grace also researches the effects of technology on the care workforce and the role of technology within the care ecosystem.

Professor Kate Hamblin (

Professor Kate Hamblin is the Director of the Centre for Care and leads the Centre for Care’s Digital Care research theme. Kate joined the University of Sheffield in 2018 to work on the Sustainable Care programme. She is also the UK Networks lead for the IMPACT Centre.