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Artist Susannah Raises £1000 for the Down’s Syndrome Association

Talented artist Susannah recently raised £1000 for the Down’s Syndrome Association.
The cheque was presented to her by her local church after she delivered a talk to the members.


Artist Susannah raised £1000 for the Down’s Syndrome Association



Artist Susannah

Susannah told us, ‘I like drawing castles because they are so big and go high up to the sky. I also like sunsets with pink, red and blue colours. I like dancing freestyle solo. When I dance I feel like I am flying. I like art including fabrics, dresses and interior design.’

The Right Support

Susannah Meredith, who has Down’s Syndrome, was invited along with her mum Caroline by the Friendship Group to speak about the condition. Much to their surprise, the group had decided to make the DSA their annual charity!

Caroline said, ‘I spoke about Susannah’s birth and life, weaving in the times we had turned to DSA for support. When she was born it was a complete surprise and we were very ignorant about Down’s Syndrome. Right from the beginning the DSA provided balanced and calming advice.’

Susannah and her mum Caroline gave a talk about Down’s syndrome recently

‘Fast forward 27 years and our daughter has travelled extensively with us as we have lived in UK, Australia and Canada. She has turned into an accomplished gymnast, dancer and painter. She won gymnastics medals at the Special Olympics in Bath in 2013 and she has danced competitively at Blackpool.

One of her paintings was bought by the Canadian Government in 2019 as part of their inclusive art collection. Susannah has worked in shops in Canada and she has taken advantage of the DSA WorkFit programme and had a 6-month contract as an Receptionist Assistant at a major corporate HQ in Milton Keynes.’

In 2023 Susannah left her parent’s home and moved into supported living, where she is very happy.







Find out how you can support the Down’s Syndrome Association here.