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Birthday Treats | Vinay’s Blog

Incense is really good and has a lovely smell. It has a lovely perfume inside of it. you have to be safe when you burn incense, you cannot have it on at the night time. You can have different smells like Rose. Rose is a flower and when you burn the incense it smells like a rose.

I get my incense from the India shop near my house. They have jars and different flavours. You can use them at different times of the day. It helps me have a freshness in my mind. Candles also have a nice perfume and smell. You can make your own candles as well, it is really fun.

I had a lot of emails on my computer whishing me happy birthday! We didn’t have any cake, but we went to Nando’s restaurant! It was really good, I had a chicken wrap with lettuce and tomato and chips and coleslaw. I did some shopping on my birthday! At the end of the day  I was chilling watching TV and having a nice drink.