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“I’m excited about contributing something to the DSA’s 50th celebrations”

Disclaimer: We were very sad to have to cancel our #50for50 jump this Saturday due to coronavirus. We are however incredibly proud of our jumpers who have done some amazing fundraising – and we will be rescheduling!

We would still like to introduce you to one of our jumpers Trevor and his family…

A mum and dad sit with their two young daughters on their laps. The younger daughter has Down syndrome

Trevor Woodward has raised almost £1,000 for the DSA thanks to the fantastic generosity of his family, friends and colleagues at KAEFER. He’s jumping out of a plane for the charity on World Down Syndrome Day for his youngest daughter Paighton.

“We joined the DSA after Paighton was born. It was very overwhelming at first but the charity’s information is very helpful and promotes awareness and inclusivity.

It’s been and still is an emotional ride with Paighton but I always say she’s made us better people. I feel it’s really important to promote positive messages out about Down’s syndrome. I am happy to talk about inclusivity, equality and diversity. For example, Paighton is in a nursery in a mainstream school at 2.5 years old and she loves it. She goes on school trips and is showing that everything is possible.”

Two sisters stand against a wall in their school uniform. The youngest child has Down syndrome Two sisters sit at a table in a restaurant. The youngest girl has Down syndrome

Although Trevor has taken part in a few charity events such as a 30 mile yomp last year, he’s never tried skydive.

“It was actually my wife that wanted to do it first but she had to pull out. I absolutely can’t wait, everyone that’s done it says it’s amazing and I like a challenge… my favourite motto is “leap and the net will appear”

Trevor will be joined by Paighton, her big sister Darcey, and his “amazing wife Stephanie” on the day.

“I’m excited about contributing something to the DSA’s 50 year celebrations, a little bit emotional and little bit guilty because my wife has always wanted to do it (she can go next time!)”

Thank you for your continued support Trevor and the whole Woodward family!