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Enjoying time in nature | Vinay’s blog

I went to the leisure center near where I live, and I went into the fields behind. I could see the black birds near the trees. They were also flying in the sky.

A collage of Vinay's photographs. Trees and bushes are silhouetted against bright blue skies and sunshine. In the centre image, a group of rooks sitting on a piece of grass.

The sun was bright, and a lot of brightness was on my skin. It makes me feel good.

The sun shines in a bright blue sky above a line of trees and a patch of park.

I love the scenery and background around. I like to look around as the animals are on the brown grass.

The sun rise in the morning and the light comes in through the window in the morning. It makes my body feel relaxed. The sunshine is good, and I like to look at the sky.

The lovely green leaves make me feel happy especially when its raining and the splashes fall on the leaves.

I like to walk around in the nice weather and be healthy and eating salads outside. It shows people that people like me can go outside and do things for yourself. I went to the shops and bought clothes for myself to go to the gym. I have also been trying to maintain my healthy diet. I made a healthy salad with feta cheese and brie. I also made vegetarians burgers and I ate this with my housemates. We had a nice time.
