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My Perspective


My Perspective is an international photographIC AND SHORT FHILM competition for people who have Down’s syndrome.

Since 2010, outstanding images by photographers from around the globe have been celebrated in this unique competition that enables people who have Down’s syndrome to show us how they see the world.

MY PERSPECTIVE 2024 is now closed.

HUGE thank YOU TO THOSE who got involved and entered their INCREDIBLE photos and films!




2023 winners and shortlisted images

Judge’s Choice Award (adult)

Beyond the Reef by Jijo Das from India

Just like Moana, this boat is leaving to go beyond the reef! The brave man is rowing and his friend is saying goodbye and all the best.

Full dramatic lighting shows the feeling of adventure. This is what I see in Kerala and I remember Moana!

Judge’s Choice Award (child)

My Friend Dominique by Seth Cusack from South Africa

We were taking pictures of Bubbles at photo club and I took this one.

People’s Choice Award (adult)

Willow the Dog by Joseph Tranter from the UK

I took this at an event at Down Syndrome Cheshire. Willow is a lovely dog.

People’s Choice Award (Child)

Museum of the Moon by Orla Rawlinson from the UK

I took this photo when I visited Bolton Abbey with my family during half term in October 2022. I loved looking up at the moon and took photos from lots of different angles.

Stephen Thomas Award

Morning has Broken by Jonathan Gross from the USA

I liked the early morning sunlight on the leaves. I took the picture at a butterfly farm in north Georgia in the United States. I went with my best friend, Michaella.

I liked the early morning sunlight on the leaves. I took the picture at a butterfly farm in north Georgia in the United States. I went with my best friend, Michaella.

Short film winner

Save water by Angelina Magdalene Ebhin

Angelina is the winner of the very first My Perspective short film competition.

You can see all the film entries, including the the two highly commended films (Down Syndrome, So What! by Claire-May Minett and David Goes Wild by David Kenward) on our YouTube channel.

Our shortlisted photographers

Adult Category

Child Category

We’re so grateful to all our generous sponsors and supporters.