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Training & Support

We offer training to support individuals at every stage of their lives, from ‘Tell It Right’ training for maternity professionals, to online training, workshops and parent carer meetings.

Subjects covered include education and development, speech, language and communication, positive behaviour support, adolescence and puberty, complex needs and autism, employment, support for adults and ageing and dementia.

You can register for our live online training and regular parent/carer support meetings through the links below.

Some of our professional training has a low cost fee (£5 or £10), while many sessions, such as Tell It Right®, are free.

We also have a growing set of Pay Per View recordings of our training sessions available. Check out the full list here.

All of our parent carer support meetings are free.

Contact to find out more about our training services.

Join our regular DSA Going Forward updates to find out about all of our services and activities, including training.

Online training and support sessions:

  • Tell It Right® webinars and study days for maternity services  (free)
  • Pregnancy and Baby Support meetings for parents only (free)
  • Introduction to Makaton online for new parents (free)
  • Supporting Early Development from birth to 4 years webinar
  • Early Years and Primary Education webinar
  • Using the Model of Positive Behavioural Support for Change for Children age 5 to 17 years webinar
  • Sharing Positive Support online session for parent carers only (free)
  • Puberty & Adolescence webinar
  • Secondary Education webinar
  • Complex needs and autism webinars
  • Complex needs and autism meetings for parent carers  and family members only (free)
  • Well-being Wednesday for parent carers only (free)
  • Preparing for the Future webinars
  • Housing Options Masterclass webinar
  • Personal Budgets and Self Directed Support webinar
  • Your Rights webinar – Highlights from the Care Act 2014 webinar
  • Ageing and dementia online training
  • Challenging Health Inequalities
  • WorkFit employment webinars (free)
  • Relationships and Sex Education webinars
  • Supporting Adults online training
  • Research updates with guest presenters (free)
  • DSA Going Forward updates (free)

people attend DSA training or support sessions every year

Current live training and support sessions


Tuesday 2 July 2024 | 10.00 – 11.30am | £10

A 90 minute webinar for families and health and social care staff involved in assessing and providing for the care needs of adults with Down’s syndrome who have a diagnosis of dementia or work in services where they may attend.

It is also possible to watch a Pay Per View (£10) recording of one of these sessions. Click here to find out more.

Well-being Wednesday

Wednesday 3 July 2024 | Time: 10.30-11am | Free

Each week Jane will introduce and guide a meditation/relaxation exercise or some gentle movement which you can do in the comfort of your own home.

Early communication and development support group

Thursdays at 1.30pm | FREE

4 July | 18 July

This new series of four, free online meetings follows on from our Pregnancy and Baby group and offers support for parents of babies and toddlers from 18 months to 3 years of age.

Behaviour case study support session
for parents and family carers of children and teenagers

Thursday 4 July 2024 | 10 – 11.30am | FREE

Please note…this is not a training session

These sessions offer a space for parents and family carers to explore a particular behaviour that is impacting on the life of the person they care for and those around them. The relationships in our life are essential for happiness, and behavioural issues can get in the way of these.

Down’s syndrome with complex needs support for parent carers

Online event

Tuesday 9 July 2024 | 10.30am – 12 noon | FREE

Are you a parent/family carer of someone who has Down’s syndrome and complex needs age 4 years and over?

By complex needs we usually mean that a person has an additional diagnosis such as, but not exclusively autism, ADHD and/or complex multiple health needs.

Our regular meetings enable parents and family carers to share information and experiences and to guide DSA work.

Online Baby & Pregnancy Support Group

Wednesdays at 1.30pm | FREE

4 September | 18 September | 2 October | 16 October | 30 October

This series of five, free online meetings offer support for parents of babies up to 18 months of age and expectant parents looking forward to welcoming their new baby.

Early Years and Primary Education

Thursday 19 September 2024 | 9.30 – 11am | £10

This new, co-produced, 90-minute online training session for education practitioners and parents explains how to support learners who have Down’s syndrome from 4 to 11 years of age in education settings.

It will include recommendations for social inclusion and curriculum access, speech, language and communication and social development.

It is also possible to watch a Pay Per View (£10) recording of one of these sessions. Click here to find out more.

Delivering effective differentiation in the classroom

26 September 2024 | 4 – 5.30pm | Free

Join us in this twilight webinar to discuss differentiation for learners who have Down’s syndrome. Our expert panel of speakers will introduce their understandings and approaches to differentiation in the classroom for learners with Down’s syndrome and learning disabilities, providing useful examples to demonstrate their approaches. 


IN-PERSON EVENT – Central Manchester

Monday 23 September 2024 | 10am – 3pm | £10

We are excited to be facilitating an in-person complex needs support meeting in central Manchester.

Secondary Education

Thursday 14 November 2024 | 9.30 – 11.00am | £10

This new, co-produced, 90-minute online training session for education practitioners and parents explains how to support learners who have Down’s syndrome from 11 to 16 years of age in secondary education settings.

It will include recommendations for social inclusion and curriculum access, speech, language and communication and social development.

It is also possible to watch a Pay Per View (£10) recording of one of these sessions. Click here to find out more.

Supporting Early Development: From Birth to 4 years

Tuesday 12 December 2024 | 9.30 to 11.00am | £10

This new, co-produced, 90-minute online workshop for parents and practitioners provides information about how to promote infant development through interaction, play and early learning activities, including learning strengths, speech, language and communication and education.

It is also possible to watch a Pay Per View (£10) recording of one of these sessions. Click here to find out more.



This Webinar is for all student and health professionals working in fetal medicine, maternity and neonatal services including midwives, neonatal nurses, sonographers and health visitors.



This free, online training session is for providers of leisure, recreational and sports activity sessions.

We’ll be running two sessions, an early evening and a morning session.


Understanding and supporting behaviour change in children


In this webinar we will look at what we mean by problem behaviour, why understanding function is so important and exploring proactive strategies to support communication and learning.

Sensory Processing Awareness


This 60-minute online webinar for parents and practitioners will provide information on sensory processing in children who have Down’s syndrome.

Introduction to sleep hygiene for children and teenagers who have Down’s syndrome


Sleep difficulties have a huge impact on health and well-being as well as learning and development. The earlier sleep issues are addressed the better.

Northern Ireland
New parent day


An opportunity for new parents to meet with other parents in a relaxed and informal atmosphere and also to find out lots of information. The event is for adults only.

Dual diagnosis of Down’s syndrome and autism webinar – part two


This is the second of two webinars on dual diagnosis.

The second webinar is aimed at those who are awaiting or have received a diagnosis of autism.

Dual diagnosis of Down’s syndrome and autism webinar – part one


This is the first of two webinars on dual diagnosis.

The first webinar is aimed at those who are wondering whether to pursue a diagnosis of autism.

Supporting adults who have Down’s syndrome


A webinar for all those with an interest in supporting adults with Down’s syndrome. 

Puberty and Adolescence

This online training is suitable for parents, carers and practitioners supporting young people who have Down’s syndrome through puberty. The training will cover body changes, hormones, privacy, boundaries, and consent. We will also be looking at accessible resources to support understanding around growing up.

Early feeding webinar with Gwendolina Toner


In this short webinar we will discuss the development of early eating and drinking skills.

This webinar is suitable for parents whose baby is aged approximately 0-2 years.

Early communication webinar with Gwendolina Toner


In this short webinar we will discuss early communication development.

This webinar is suitable for parents whose child is aged approximately 0-3 years.

Supporting Adults who have Down’s Syndrome

A webinar for all those with an interest in supporting adults with Down’s syndrome. The session will look at:

  • How what we know about the learning profile of people with Down’s syndrome can help us to maximise opportunities for independence in adulthood.
  • An overview of the health needs of adults with Down’s syndrome, with strategies to address possible health inequalities they may experience.
  • Supporting decision making and maximising opportunities for independence.


DS Dads – Who Decides? Decision making from 16 years old.

Come join us online to meet other Dads, to share problems/concerns, find answers and solutions or just take the opportunity to have a chat and talk through some of your thoughts.

Supporting the well-being of adolescents and adults who have Down’s syndrome


In this webinar we will talk about what we mean by well-being and what is usual.

We also talk about the importance of self esteem and other factors that effect well-being.

parent advisory group – the seen and be heard study


We want to find out how to improve cancer care for children who have Down’s syndrome.

We are designing a research activity journal for children and young people with learning disabilities to complete while they are in hospital and would like guidance from parents about how to optimise its accessibility.

Supporting well-being of people who have Down’s syndrome

In this webinar we will define what we mean by well-being and explore the commonly used five ways to well-being .

We will feedback what people who have Down’s syndrome have told us about what helps them to keep well and what doesn’t. We will also feedback what parents/family carers told us.


In session one, we begin our journey by looking at all of the changes that occur legally at 16 before discussing changes specifically relating to relationships and sex. We move on to the importance of emotional well-being and maintaining good health. We introduce the Mental Capacity Act and key aspects of this piece of legislation; the Mental Capacity Act will be covered in both sessions. Finally, we look at how we can support people who have Down’s syndrome by having high expectations.


In session two, we delve straight back into the Mental Capacity Act and discuss points such as lasting power of attorney and court-appointed deputies. We move onto finances and things to think about at 16,18 and 21.  We then move into talking about transition assessments and what to expect before discussing what social care support you may encounter as the young person approaches adulthood.

We will also share an interview with an Our Voice member talking about ‘what it was like having a social care assessment: sharing my experience’. We then discuss housing and planning for the person leaving the family home before a final video on what living independently looks like. We then finish with a round-up on who can help.

Your Rights Webinar – Highlights from the Care Act 2014

This webinar aims to highlight the key elements of the Care Act guidance that we think you need to know about and aims to arm you with the knowledge you need to uphold your rights.

Access to work workshop

WorkFit are hosting an interactive session with the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) Access to Work team.

Access to Work can help you get or stay in work if you have a physical or mental health condition or disability.

This will be a detailed session where you can find out more about the support available, and have the opportunity to ask questions.


This webinar is about Personal Budgets and Self-Directed Support – which means people, regardless of age and what help and support they may need, being in control of their own lives and being able to organise support and services in a way that makes sense and works well for them and their families.


This one hour webinar is about the full range of housing options for adults who have Down’s syndrome. The presenter will explain the pros and cons of common types of accommodation and discuss how a person’s support needs may influence their choice.

National Policy Updates

Join DSA staff to hear more about and discuss the latest national picture of Government plans and laws which will make a difference to people who have Down’s Syndrome and their families.


DSA update: Going forward

Our Going Forward sessions provide an update on key issues relating to people who have Down’s syndrome, their parents, carers and supporters via Zoom.

This session is for people who have Down’s syndrome of all ages and for parents, carers and practitioners.