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The Impact of Positive Reappraisal Coping on the Wellbeing of Caregivers of those with Down’s syndrome

As part of my MSc Clinical Psychology Dissertation and research by Dr Deborah Lancastle, we are looking at how caring for someone with Down’s syndrome affects caregivers’ wellbeing, and the ways in which caregivers cope.

If you are over the age of 18 and regard yourself as being a caregiver to anyone with Down’s syndrome, you are eligible to take part. Taking part involved filling out a questionnaire online via Online Surveys, which will take approximately 20 minutes of your time:

You can take part until 15th July 2019. Results will remain confidential, and further information is provided prior to completion of the questionnaire. Thank you.

For any further information or queries, please contact:

Bethanie Marsh:
Dr Deborah Lancastle: